Blockchain Technology – It’s not just about Bitcoin

What is this “Blockchain” thing?
A Blockchain is a type of database that is highly distributed. Blockchain technology has been around for quite some time. It has only recently gained notoriety as Crypto Currencies, which rely on Blockchain databases, have started to gain traction.

What is this “Dark Web” and why should I care?

What is the “Dark Web?”
The dark web is an encrypted network of servers that operate across the Internet.  The technology that the servers use to connect to each other keeps their identities and locations completely anonymous.  Special software is used by a “user” in order to connect with these anonymous servers, and in turn keep each users location and identity anonymous.

5 tips for a productive home office

Telecommuting can be a great strategy that allows businesses to save money and retain valued employees. It is quickly becoming a viable option for those that are looking to cut back their hours at the office while still being able to work productively in the comfort of their home. But despite the many advantages telecommuting […] enjoy more productive meetings

When run effectively and with an objective in mind, company, departmental, managerial or even one-on-one meetings can result in big ideas, great change, and heightened productivity for your team of employees. On the other hand, if your meeting room is constantly booked up with people shooting the breeze, arguing over procedures, or simply rambling on […]